Opérateur attesté (Certification Applicant)WineWorld Sweden AB5 stars

Lieu, PaysStockholm, Sweden

Contactwww.wineworld.se, info@wineworld.se

Produits attestéswine white, wine redfair for life logo
Programme d'attestationFair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification
Performance Rating
ChapitreContent of the Fair For Life - Social & Fair Trade ProgrammeMaximum [fr]Rating [fr]
1Principes et valeurs88
4Respect de l’environnement4227
5Développement local et relations avec la communauté32
6Gestion des filières et des relations commerciales54
8Traçabilité, transparence et respect du consommateur1610
9Gestion de l’attestation et de la performance1716
Total Score Performance Rating67
Certification for fair trade and responsible supply chains [fr]
Impact, actions & engagements remarquablesAs a company they aim to act ethically and responsibly whether it be related to marketing, business relationships or employment conditions. Fair Trade activities are so far limited to marketing and fair trade, and of course paying the FFL premium. WineWorld Sweden was the first company in Sweden to become certified IMO Fair for Life, a certification for fair trade that also includes environmental aspects as well as a fair trade premium that supports social development in the local communities. WineWorld Sweden also have a strong focus on organic wines and are certified organic ourselves. Organic production and fair trade are important ways to contribute to a more sustainable future. They believe that sustainability is the key to long term business relationships because sustainability also means being profitable in a long term perspective, which provides the fundamentals for being socially and environmentally responsible.

Reached percentage of the applicable Total Norm Points for the overall performance
Pourcentage85 %

Date d'attestation
Dernière mise à jour02.05.2022

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Social Responsibility & Fair Trade

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Social responsibility Fairtrade Certification Standard Third party inspection CSR Smallholder groups Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life  

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